Food Safety & Quality


We provide good quality and food safe ready to eat herbs in the form of our sleeved product, which is available in supermarkets. We are able to do this by operating under Freshcare FSQ4.1 and HARPS (Harmonised Australian Retailer Produce Scheme). 

We grow and pack the fresh herbs on our own site with our trained staff. This ensures we are able meet the high standards of food safety and quality required by our accreditations and are able to continue to have an immaculate record for food safety. 

Our potted herbs sold with tickets to nurseries and other retailers are not included in our food safety accreditations but are grown in the same environment with the same high standard and care for the end user.

Soil-less Growing Media Accreditation

All Hidden Valley Herbs use a soil-less potting media from an approved, certified and accredited supplier with fixed specifications to ensure a consistent, high quality product is achieved every time.

Soil-less growing media means avoiding the use of soil, which is heavy in matter, inconsistent in properties, and a great zone in which many organisms can thrive, which may contaminate the product. Soil-less media is designed to be contaminant free for containerised products ensuring consistency is achieved precisely to suit the crop desired.